- appreciated currency增值通货;
- currency swap互惠外汇信贷;
- currency revaluation货币升值;
- currency market货币市场;
- currency drain货币外流
- currency devaluationn.货币贬值;
- currency board[财]货币发行局;
- currency appreciation货币升值;
- convertible currency可兑换通货,可自由兑换货币;
- common currencyn.流行的观点;广为接受的看法;
- domestic currency本国货币;
- foreign currencyn.外币;外汇;
- home currency[财]本国货币;
- hard currencyn.硬通货,强势货币;
- original currency原币;
- reserve currency储备货币;
- soft ware软件;程序设备;语言设备;方案;
- soft toys软玩具;
- soft toyn.软体类玩具;毛绒玩具;
- soft touchn.轻信而容易上当的人;易被说服或被利用的人;
- 双语例句
It is , therefore , much in demand . Its price is high, esp. in exchange for soft currency.
因此这种通货十分抢手, 其价格(特别是兑换成软通货时)很高.
Soft currency: Currency that is subject to sharp fluctuations in value.
软币,软通货: 币值变化较大的货币.
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